An ice cube uses all the abilities at his disposal to escape a boiling planet. Made for the Xanderwood Summer Jam 2021. The theme was "Opposites Attract". I applied this theme with the push and pull devices, since the opposite of a device that pushes you away literally attracts you. Also, you make the devices more powerful in fires, so not really a place ice should be.


R sets your respawn point wherever you're standing.

P sets your respawn point back to the start, in case you need to. You keep your progress in any case, you never lose it (unless you quit the game).

If your computer isn't that strong, like mine, it would be better to download than play in browser.

CHEAT GUIDE: Only read if you can't beat the game!

Platform to the orange smoke, (always press R on every successful landing). Collect the power of the orange smoke. Press P and jump into the water. You are now back at start. Go towards the rocket (jump and dash twice towards it). You should land on an iceberg. Then follow the path of 3 long icebergs. Go to the platform next to the iceberg the rocket rests on.

Now the tricky part. You have to use a combination of the push ability with the dash ability to get to the top. If you had upgraded the pull ability it could work too, but for the purpose of this guide you have the upgraded push ability.

First jump and attach the push device to the wall. Next jump and dash to get over the device you just placed. Once over it activate it, pushing yourself up. Immediately dash twice (assuming the second dash recharged by now) and find yourself on top of the iceberg. Climb to the top of the rocket and watch the ending!

Made July 2021

Made in ~7 Days.


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(3 edits)

My time was 3min, 48 sec, 538 milisec. Beat it if you can!